Sat, 17 June 2023
What is a Pure Land? And how do you create one? What is the true meaning of the Buddhas skilful means. With characteristic aplomb Padmavajra unpacks the esoteric teachings of one of Buddhism's greatest Sutras. This talk was given at London Buddhist Centre, 2015. Subscribe to our Free Buddhist Audio podcast: On Apple Podcasts | On Spotify | On Google Podcasts A full, curated, quality Dharma talk, every week. 3,000,000 downloads and counting! Bite-sized inspiration three times every week. Subscribe using these RSS feeds or search for Free Buddhist Audio or Dharmabytes in your favorite podcast service! Help us keep FBA Podcasts free for everyone: donate now! Follow Free Buddhist Audio: YouTube | Instagram | Twitter | Facebook | Soundcloud
Direct download: Free_Buddhist_Audio_-_The_Skilful_Means_of_Vimalakirti_618.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 11:33am EST |