Free Buddhist Audio

Free Buddhist AudioIn this week’s FBA Podcast we hear from Parami in the LBC series: “Women Elders of the Triratna Buddhist Community” Parami, ordained in 1980, and one of our International Order Conveners, gives a talk about her spiritual life.

Direct download: podcast221.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 12:06am EST

Free Buddhist AudioIn this week’s FBA Podcast, “How the Buddha Taught Mindfulness,” Ratnpaprabha explains this practice and understanding of the Sutta of ‘Being mindful of the in- and out-breaths’ (Anapanasati). He talks about how mindfulness connects with body-awareness, how t takes you into rapture and happiness, and thus into ‘sensitivity to the whole mind. He also explores how one calms and focuses the mind in mindfulness meditation, and how this can lead to ‘gladdening’, ‘concentrating’ and ‘liberating’, and finally to full Insight.

Direct download: podcast220.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 1:22am EST

Free Buddhist AudioOur FBA Podcast this week, “Metta Blazing Like the Sun,” is Vajratara’s talk from the young people’s retreat at Adhisthana – ‘the big one’. Starting with a world on fire, Vajratara strips down what metta actually means in our experience: an awareness that discerns what is positive and stops it slipping from our minds. This is the seed of liberation, the cry of sunyata ‘unconditioned and unconfined’. Metta as a special quality of awareness radiating into four directions: our environment, our selves, others and Reality.

Direct download: podcast219.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 1:12am EST

Free Buddhist AudioOur FBA Podcast this week, “Remembering the Bodhichitta In Everyday Life
is a talk from the recent Tonglen Retreat for Triratna Order Members by Yashobodhi. In this dynamic talk, Yashobodhi shares her personal connection to the ton glen practice, the seven point mind training and about practising tonglen in each moment.

Direct download: podcast218.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 7:26am EST