Sat, 12 September 2020
Candrika explores how we might work with the mythic dimension in our current situation of pandemic. There is so much going on in our local and global community. Candrika takes us through the wisdom and symbolism of the Five Buddha Mandala to help us make sense of the world, helping us to work with difficult feelings of fear, disruption, despair. Talk given as part of the Glasgow Buddhist Centre, Scotland, April 2020. *** Help keep FBA free for everyone! Become a supporter today. Subscribe to our Dharmabytes podcast - bite-size pieces of Dharma inspiration, two times a week! FBA on Twitter
Direct download: Free_Buddhist_Audio_-_Transcendental_Refuge_In_the_Time_of_Covid-19_474.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 12:00am EST |