Free Buddhist Audio

We’re totally thrilled to announce the launch of Free Buddhist Audio, the new, free download and streaming service from The Dharmachakra Archives. If you’ve been enjoying our podcasts, you’ll love this! The site features over 500 free recordings – mostly talks, but also guided meditations, retreat recordings, question-and-answer sessions and interviews! There’s also a very extensive searchable text archive of seminars and talks on all aspects of Buddhist practice and culture, western and eastern. The site has been several years in the making, and is now live – so, we’d like to invite you over! Come and play…

Direct download: free_buddhist_audio.pdf
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 4:20pm EST

This is pretty fantastic in its way. Danavira is one of the best speakers we know – he is very funny, can do poetic and profound, tends to the chaotic in his style, and has a particular genius for this kind of thing; this kind of thing being talking about death. The whole talk is a kind of respectful joyride through the hardest subject of all – sit back and enjoy a thoroughly adult treat that’s likely to blow the heart wide open.

To help us keep this free, please think about making a donation.

Direct download: podcast16.mp3
Category:Podcasts -- posted at: 4:31pm EST