Free Buddhist Audio

Saddharaja explores self-sacrifice as a component of the Bodhisattva Ideal  introduces Chapter 18 The Chapter on the Tigress. He goes on to explore compassion and altruism, and how we can develop these by letting go of attachment and hatred, and thereby gaining true freedom.

The third of four talks given during the Open Retreat at Padmaloka Retreat Centre in October 2019.

This talk is part of the series The Sutra of Golden Light.



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Direct download: Free_Buddhist_Audio_-_Compassion_in_a_Chaotic_World_476.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Maitrivasin talks about awakening deep powerful energies that move us along the path to freedom. By engaging warrior energy to tackle the doubt or distractions of habitual ways we bring all of our volition on the side of positive growth and progress towards Enlightenment.

This talk is part of the series The Path of Awakening based on the Bodhicaryavatara given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre June, 2019.


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Direct download: Free_Buddhist_Audio_-_Stirring_the_Depths_475.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Candrika explores how we might work with the mythic dimension in our current situation of pandemic. There is so much going on in our local and global community. Candrika takes us through the wisdom and symbolism of the Five Buddha Mandala to help us make sense of the world, helping us to work with difficult feelings of fear, disruption, despair.

Talk given as part of the Glasgow Buddhist Centre, Scotland, April 2020.


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Here Akuppa explores the story of who you are and how you come to create the story of you. We need a different story. Living from a truer story of our luminosity and what happens when we come together on the basis of our luminous mind/heart.

This is Part 1 of two talks given by Akuppa to the Triratna Buddhist Community in Scotland online gathering in June 2020.

Listen to Part 2 of this series Transforming Self and World Part 2: Buddhist Politics


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Direct download: Free_Buddhist_Audio_-_The_Luminous_Mind_473.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 12:00am EST