Sat, 27 December 2014
In this week’s FBA Podcast Guhyavajra explores “Ethics as Insight Practice”. Ethics is as an important stage in the path leading to wisdom, but how are ethics and insight interrelated?
Direct download: podcast256.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 5:48pm EST
Sat, 20 December 2014
This week’s FBA Podcast entitled “The Texture of Reality”, is an early lecture from Sangharakshita on Insight, recorded in 1966, dealing with the three marks (lakshanas) of conditioned existence and their transcendence via the three liberations (vimokshas).
Direct download: podcast255.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 8:58am EST
Sat, 13 December 2014
This week’s FBA Podcast entitled “Meeting the Suffering of the World”, by Maitrisara, was the last in a series of talks at Dharmapala College celebrating “40 Years of the New Society”. Here Maitrisara takes on the topic of compassion in action.
Direct download: podcast254.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 2:15pm EST
Sat, 6 December 2014
A robust talk for this week’s FBA Podcast entitled “A Challenge to the Modern World”, by Sagaraghosa, critiquing structural elements of our society from a Buddhist standpoint, and exploring what we can do to bring about a society more in line with Reality.
Direct download: podcast253.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 8:11am EST
Fri, 28 November 2014
Grounding his talk in the Kosambiya and Anuruddha suttas in this week’s FBA Podcast entitled “Why We Need the New Society”, Vajragupta guides us through how we can create the conditions for the seeds of selflessness to grow and develop in the framework of the New Society as described by Sangharakshita: communities, centres and working together.
Direct download: podcast252.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 10:19pm EST
Sat, 22 November 2014
in this week’s FBA Podcast, Padmavajra, one of Sangharakshita’s closest disciples, offers his own perspective on Sangharakshita as a practitioner with a rich sense of the mythic context pervading all his thinking about the Buddha and his teaching, in a talk entitled “Glimpses of the Mythic Life of Sangharakshita”.
Direct download: podcast251.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:25pm EST
Fri, 21 November 2014
? dharmachakra 2013, ? Nirmala 2013
Direct download: LOC1901.mp3
-- posted at: 4:03pm EST
Sat, 15 November 2014
in this week’s FBA Podcast, Vidyadevi remembers her time working with Sangharakshita to edit books based on his lectures and seminars. Entitled “Simple Gifts”, it’s a reflection on friendship with her spiritual teacher. Given during the Rainy Season Retreat at Manchester Buddhist Centre in February 2014.
Direct download: podcast250.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:13pm EST
Sat, 8 November 2014
Achala responds to the question, “Who is Sangharakshita?” in this week’s FBA Podcast, drawing from his own experiences and those of others. He looks at Sangharakshita’s significance as a spiritual teacher, his qualities and his life. This talk was given at Nottingham Buddhist centre in April 2014.
Direct download: podcast249.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 3:30am EST
Sat, 1 November 2014
Vajratara brings us this week’s FBA Podcast entitled: “From the Bodhicaryavatara.” The Mahayana emphasizes the great goal of the spiritual life – the immeasurable energy, wisdom and compassion. This is what life is about, this is what the path of the spiritual practitioner is all about. Vajratara explores Santideva’s Bodhicaryavatara at Sangha Night, Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 18th March 2008. Part of a series on Great Buddhist Texts.
Direct download: podcast248.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:38am EST
Sat, 25 October 2014
Vessantara leads us on a journey to discover “Spiritual Receptivity” for this week’s FBA Podcast. This is the first in a thoroughly engaging set of talks and led meditations. From beginning to end, we get to experience the full flavor of the retreat that these segments were recorded from, held at Adhisthana in 2014. Vessantara deftly weaves Spiritual Receptivity together with the greater mandala of the Triratna System of Practice, bringing in aspects of each of the stages of the system and helping to put receptivity in the context of the spiritual life as a whole. Talks given at Adhisthana, February 2014
Direct download: podcast247.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:25am EST
Sat, 18 October 2014
This week’s FBA Podcast, “Great Faith, Great Wisdom,” by Ratnaguna, is from the 2014 Men’s Order Convention.
Direct download: podcast246.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:11am EST
Sat, 11 October 2014
This week’s FBA Podcast, is another brilliant talk from the European Combined Order Convention. In “Wow! Opening to Insight,” Viveka gives us much to reflect upon in our practice in a world that needs our presence. Are we ready to awaken to all sorts of astonishing things? What do you know from direct experience? What we see is pratitya-samutpada, which isn’t a view, but rather a description of how things are. In the lasagnas we see that all of our conditions are a proximate cause for insight arising – just be curious…and have a look! We need to be more unconditionally loving as a community in order to support the arising of insight.
Direct download: podcast245.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:00am EST
Sat, 4 October 2014
This week’s FBA Podcast, is entitled “Singing the Song of the Order,” by Jnanacandra. One of two talks on more devotional approaches to Insight, given at the European Combined Order Convention held at Wymondham College on 24 August 2014. The theme of the convention was “The Bodhisattva’s Reply: Triratna Paths to Insight”.
Direct download: podcast244.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:23am EST
Sat, 27 September 2014
This week’s FBA Podcast, “Radical Change – Learning to Be Free ,” is a talk by Sona given at the Manchester Buddhist Centre in April 2012. He explores how we can make real, even radical, changes to our lives through waking up to life with awareness.
Direct download: podcast243.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:31am EST
Sat, 20 September 2014
This week’s FBA Podcast, “Padmasambhava’s Advice to the Three Fortunate Women,” comes to us from Glasgow Buddhist Centre, 2010. Padmolka looks at the first section of Padmasambhava’s Advice to The Three Fortunate Women from The Life and Liberation of Padmasambhava. She begins by saying a bit about Padmasambhava subduing the demons of Tibet and the circumstances around the time when this teaching is given. Padmasambhava is asked for a short, practical teaching which can be learned by heart to help Queen Nang Chung to practice the Dharma and ultimately lead her to Buddhahood. She then goes through the verse, pulling out it’s themes and meaning.
Direct download: podcast242.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 1:18am EST
Sat, 13 September 2014
This week’s FBA Podcast is a quite unusual and unexpectedly intimate talk from Sangharakshita, “Dreams and Rebirth.” Given at the wonderful old converted church that is now the resplendent Sheffield Buddhist Centre in the UK. Some lovely, evocative accounts from his personal dreamlife – tales of mediaeval monks! – and a significant and highly personal exploration of the whole area of Buddhist views on rebirth and re-becoming. Much food for thought here from a wholly atmospheric and clearly enjoyable occasion. Talk given at the Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2008
Direct download: podcast241.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:42am EST
Sat, 6 September 2014
This week’s FBA Podcast, “The Mandala of the Buddha,” is a talk given by Kamalashila on the 2012 Triratna International Retreat, in which he explores the ‘Mandala of the Buddha’ – some of the Buddha’s many qualities which, perhaps, gave rise to the later Mahayana ‘Mandala of the Five Buddhas’.
Direct download: podcast240.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:29am EST
Sat, 30 August 2014
Vajratara delivers our FBA Podcast this week, “Energy, the Tantric Precepts and Enlightenment.” An exploration of what energy means in the spiritual life and how to work with it, especially referencing Sangharakshita’s ‘Tantric’ version of the Five Precepts. Given at the 2011 National Young Triratna Buddhists Weekend retreat exploring the theme of ‘Energy for Enlightenment’. See for more young Buddhists’ events.
Direct download: podcast239.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:12am EST
Sat, 23 August 2014
In this week’s FBA Podcast, “Eight Step Recovery” Vimalasara speaks on the importance of loving oneself as a part of recovery from addiction as an introduction to her new book, co-authored with Paramabandhu, entitled ‘Eight Step Recovery – Using the Buddha’s Teachings to Overcome Addiction’. She goes on to discuss the life conditions that she and Paramabandhu have emerged from, and how those energies came together and inspired the writing of the book. Outlining the eight steps, Vimalasara demonstrates that, while the book was mainly written for those in recovery, it is in some way for everyone. The talk is followed by a question and answer session.
Direct download: podcast238.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:00am EST
Fri, 15 August 2014
Words are not adequate to describe things as they are, and yet Ratnaguna does a remarkable job! This week’s FBA Podcast, “The Buddhas Two Great Gifts to the World” Ratnaguna explores the gifts of discourse and practice. This talk was given to to promote a new buddhist centre in Stockholm.
Direct download: podcast237.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 11:27pm EST
Sat, 9 August 2014
This week’s FBA Podcast is entitled: “Make Yourself An Island.” Reflecting on her favourite lines from the Paranibbana Sutta, Jvalamalini explores how to become an island in the midst of the eight worldly winds, especially how to steer through praise and blame, and fame and infamy by developing true individuality, and spiritual receptivity.
Direct download: podcast236.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:33am EST
Sat, 2 August 2014
This week’s FBA Podcast was given at the London Buddhist Centre’s Dharma Day celebration, July 2014. “Dharma and Nature” by Dhivan, author of “This Being, That Becomes”. The word Dharma means many things, including “nature” – referring to how things work, the true nature of things. We also use the word to refer to the whole interconnected living world. The meanings of the world only partly overlap, which gives us the starting point for this precise, thoughtful, evocative Dharma talk.
Direct download: podcast235.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:21am EST
Sat, 26 July 2014
This week’s FBA Podcast comes to us from Amalaketu entitled “A Hopeful Buddhist Response to Environmental Crisis”. How, as Buddhists, can we respond appropriately to the current environmental crisis. Talk given on Sangha Night at Norwich Buddhist Centre on 1st July 2014.
Direct download: podcast234.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:08am EST
Sat, 19 July 2014
We are pleased to share the three keynote talks from last month’s International Retreat. Our third FBA Podcast in the series is “Altruism, Actually – Getting Out and Doing It”. Mokshini introduces us to Buddhist Action Month and asks us to consider how our actions have consequences and how we practise the precepts as consumers. Talk given at the Triratna International Retreat 2014 held at Adhisthana on 26th May 2014.
Direct download: podcast233.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:59am EST
Sat, 12 July 2014
We are pleased to share the three keynote talks from last month’s International Retreat. Our second FBA Podcast in the series is “Going Beyond Capitalism – A Buddhist Perspective”. Vaddhaka inspires Triratna Buddhists to learn more about economics and challenge the Neo-liberal economists notion that individual greed will lead to everyone benefiting. He encourages us to embrace Sangharakshitas vision of a New Society as an alternative way of being for the world. Talk given at the Triratna International Retreat 2014 held at Adhisthana on May 25th 2014.
Direct download: podcast232.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:40am EST
Sat, 5 July 2014
We are pleased to share the three keynote talks from last month’s International Retreat. Our first FBA Podcast in the series is “The Bodhisattvas Reply”. Inspired by a poem from Sangharakshita entitled The Bodhisattvas Reply, Vajragupta outlines ways in which Western religious groups have historically approached engagement with social issues. Vajragupta suggests three ways in which we can work together to transform ourselves and so create a better world. Talk given at the Triratna International Retreat 2014 held at Adhisthana on 24 May 2014.
Direct download: podcast231.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:05am EST
Sat, 28 June 2014
We are pleased to share a talk by Parami for our FBA Podcast today, “Buddhanussati: What Would the Buddha Do Now?” given at Manchester Buddhist Centre on 12th January 2009.
Direct download: podcast230.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:37am EST
Sat, 21 June 2014
In our FBA Podcast today, “The Broken Mandala,”, Maitreyabandhu talks about how we need a central mythic thread in our lives, and how without this the mandala of our life is either broken, destructive or chaotic. This personal, inner mandala is mirrored by the public outer world around us. Humanly and spiritually we live in a broken mandala. How do we make sense of our lives? What is our deeper priority? What can we base our mandala around that will lead to true happiness? The talk was given at Nottingham Buddhist centre on 9th April 2014.
Direct download: podcast229.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:18am EST
Sat, 14 June 2014
In our FBA Podcast today, “Forces That Shape the Mind,”, Manjuvajra continues with his thoughts on ‘Evolution and the meaning of life’. Individuals enter this path of a higher evolution by consciously cooperating with the evolutionary process to refine their self consciousness: to purifying the mind as a basis for the next evolutionary step. To purify the mind we must know the mind, so in this talk we explore an analysis of the mind that sheds light on the practical needs of the purification process which is itself achieved through the practice of ethics, mindfulness and meditation. This is the third talk in a series given at the Bristol Buddhist Centre.
Direct download: podcast228.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:59am EST
Sat, 7 June 2014
In our FBA Podcast today, “Milarepa and the Yak Horn Story,”, Yashobodhi tells the story of Milarepa’s attempt to tackle his disciple Rechungpa’s pride by singing to him from inside a Yak horn.
Direct download: podcast227.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:31am EST
Sat, 31 May 2014
In our FBA Podcast today, “The Motive (Remixed),”, Padmavajra explores a great classic of Tibetan Buddhism – Gampopa’s ‘Jewel Ornament of Liberation’. The work, inspired by devotion to Manjusri, is one of the key texts in the development of the Tibetan Lam Rim teachings. And Gampopa, being one of the two principle disciples of the yogi Milarepa, presents both the monastic Lam Rim approach of Atisha and the Mahamudra meditation teachings of Milarepa himself. Talk given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, Winter 2008 This talk is part of the series Themes from Gampopa’s Jewel Ornament of Liberation.
Direct download: podcast226.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:15am EST
Sat, 24 May 2014
In our FBA Podcast today, “Zen Master Hakuin”, Jyotipakshini delivers a wonderful overview of Hakuin’s early life and what led him to becoming a monk. She shares his strengthss and the characteristic aspects of his personality, his determination and intense dedication, as well as his highly critical nature, his struggles and setbacks. We also hear a little about the two schools of Zen and about koan practice, as well as Hakuin’s later life as a prolific teacher and reformer of the Rinzai school. Talk given at the Glasgow Buddhist Centre in July 2011.
Direct download: podcast225.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:54am EST
Sat, 17 May 2014
In celebration of the Buddha’s Enlightenment, our FBA Podcast today is titled “Heart of Darkness” from the London Buddhist Centre’s Buddha Day Festival a few years back. Inspiring stuff, despite it’s title! An honest, heartfelt talk from the author, “Meaning in Life”.
Direct download: podcast224.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:35am EST
Sat, 10 May 2014
In this week’s FBA Podcast we hear a talk given by Nagabodhi on Triratna Day 2014. Here, in “Dhardo Rinpoche, Stupa Building and Sangha” Nagabodhi recounts his favorite memories of his time with Dhardo Rinpoche in Kalimpong, expresses his feelings about the strengthening power of stupa building for centers, and ties it all together with a reminder of the central role of sangha in the Triratna Community.??Talk given on Triratna Day 2014 at Aryaloka Buddhist Center with an introduction by Aryaloka’s Chairperson, Dayalocana.
Direct download: podcast223.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:31am EST
Sat, 3 May 2014
In this week’s FBA Podcast Dhammarati delivers “A System of Training.” Here Dhammarati explores the FWBO’s system of practice itself -its background in practice, its relationship to tradition, and its implications for the very nature of spiritual life. An encouraging, grounded, flexible take on the rigorous, meaningful, and rewarding challenges of a lifetime of working with the mind and the heart. Talk given at the national Order weekend, February 2008
Direct download: podcast222.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:21am EST
Sat, 26 April 2014
In this week’s FBA Podcast we hear from Parami in the LBC series: “Women Elders of the Triratna Buddhist Community” Parami, ordained in 1980, and one of our International Order Conveners, gives a talk about her spiritual life.
Direct download: podcast221.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:06am EST
Sat, 19 April 2014
In this week’s FBA Podcast, “How the Buddha Taught Mindfulness,” Ratnpaprabha explains this practice and understanding of the Sutta of ‘Being mindful of the in- and out-breaths’ (Anapanasati). He talks about how mindfulness connects with body-awareness, how t takes you into rapture and happiness, and thus into ‘sensitivity to the whole mind. He also explores how one calms and focuses the mind in mindfulness meditation, and how this can lead to ‘gladdening’, ‘concentrating’ and ‘liberating’, and finally to full Insight.
Direct download: podcast220.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 1:22am EST
Sat, 12 April 2014
Our FBA Podcast this week, “Metta Blazing Like the Sun,” is Vajratara’s talk from the young people’s retreat at Adhisthana – ‘the big one’. Starting with a world on fire, Vajratara strips down what metta actually means in our experience: an awareness that discerns what is positive and stops it slipping from our minds. This is the seed of liberation, the cry of sunyata ‘unconditioned and unconfined’. Metta as a special quality of awareness radiating into four directions: our environment, our selves, others and Reality.
Direct download: podcast219.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 1:12am EST
Sat, 5 April 2014
Our FBA Podcast this week, “Remembering the Bodhichitta In Everyday Life ,” is a talk from the recent Tonglen Retreat for Triratna Order Members by Yashobodhi. In this dynamic talk, Yashobodhi shares her personal connection to the ton glen practice, the seven point mind training and about practising tonglen in each moment.
Direct download: podcast218.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 7:26am EST
Sat, 29 March 2014
Our FBA Podcast this week, “Bhante – Poetry, Myth And Imagination,” is a talk by Dhammadinna given on the Rainy Season Retreat at Manchester Buddhist Centre on Wednesday 19th February 2014. Dhammadinna speaks about Sangharakshita and his emphasis on Imagination as a key to the spiritual life.
Direct download: podcast217.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 1:17am EST
Sat, 22 March 2014
In our FBA Podcast this week, “Make It So – Imagining The Buddha,” Suriyavamsa looks at the role of imagination in the way we shape our everyday world and how we can use this to bring the Buddha to life in our spiritual practice.
Direct download: podcast216.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:52am EST
Sat, 15 March 2014
In our FBA Podcast this week, “Entering The Realm Of Perfect Wisdom,” Santavajri shares her connection with the Heart Sutra at Sangha Night, Sheffield Buddhist Centre. Talk given on 5th May 2008. Part of a series on Great Buddhist Texts.
Direct download: podcast215.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 12:41am EST
Fri, 7 March 2014
Our FBA Podcast this week, “Dharmic Receptivity,” launch of the London Buddhist Center theme for the year by Jnanavaca. Talk given at the LBC’s Dharma Night Class, Monday January 20th 2014
Direct download: podcast214.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 11:35pm EST
Fri, 28 February 2014
Vessantara has been on a three year long retreat and as he emerges he has many insights to share. Our FBA Podcast this week is filled with deep reflections marked by clarity and a brilliance we are excited to make available. In “Karma, Rebirth and the Deep Boundless Dharma,” Vessantara offers a concise explanation of karma as he explores the concepts of rebirth. Given at the Triratna Buddhist Order UK and Ireland Men’s Order Weekend at Adhisthana on 1 February 2014.
Direct download: podcast213.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 11:16pm EST
Fri, 21 February 2014
Our FBA Podcast this week, “Freedom of Heart,” a talk by Dhivan as part of the International Urban Retreat, the theme of which is metta ‘blazing like the sun’.
Direct download: podcast212.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 11:16pm EST
Fri, 14 February 2014
We are delighted to bring you “The Power of Love” in this week’s FBA Podcast. Padmavajra begins this talk with the chanting of The Karaniya Metta Sutta, in order to invoke ‘the blessing power of loving kindness’, which according to the sutta needs to be wielded at all times. He explores all of the stages of the metta bhavana (development of loving-kindness practice), as well as showing how metta can lead to wisdom and liberation, at the same time saying: we practice the metta bhavana to love others, Enlightenment is incidental!
Direct download: podcast211.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 11:01pm EST
Fri, 7 February 2014
In our FBA Podcast this week, Parami offers a delightful retrospect while looking forward in “Business As Usual – Adhisthana and the Bodhichitta.” Reflecting on the history of the Order, Bhante’s teachings, listening to the Dharma, developing our system of practice, and gathering together in large numbers. Inspiring as ever, Parami seeds the conversation about ‘commonality of practice’ as we move forward into a new era. From the UK and Ireland Area Order weekend for women at Adhisthana on 7th December 2013.
Direct download: podcast210.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 11:19pm EST
Fri, 31 January 2014
This week for our FBA Podcast we offer a key in accessing the potentiality of consciousness in: “Consciousness Unfolds”. In this first talk from a series of three, Subhuti continues his well-known Rambles Around Reality at the LBC, this time enquiring into the nature of consciousness from the point of view of Urgyen Sangharakshita’s particular presentation of the Dharma.
Direct download: podcast209.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 11:41pm EST
Fri, 24 January 2014
This week’sFBA Podcast“Spiritual Transmission and Lineage” is a detailed, intimate and heartfelt talk from Saddhanandi looking at the relationship between a Dharma follower and her/his teacher. The talk takes as its lead-off point, David Smith’s criticisms of the FWBO as lacking relationship with a ‘vertical dimension’ in its systems of practice. It’s a sympathetic and open response, but one that is also happy to have confidence in an inside experience of practice that arrives at different conclusions. Saddhanandi revisits Sangharakshita’s own take on the problems faced by practitioners in a contemporary spiritual community, and, with the help of a good sprinkling of quotes and stories from other traditions, she explores the nature of the Sangha as the possible ground for insight itself to arise. Please note, this talk has variable sound quality throughout. Talk given at the Tiratna [Western] Buddhist Order Women’s Convention, Wymondham 2007
Direct download: podcast208.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 11:32pm EST
Fri, 17 January 2014
We are graced with Dhammadinna’s wisdom in this week’sFBA Podcast“The Richly Endowed Buddha of the Southern Realm” Third in a series of talks given on the 2012 Triratna International Retreat, Dhammadinna evokes the Buddha Ratnasambhava. For more talks, videos, photos etc from the retreat see and navigate to page ‘internationalretreat.’
Direct download: podcast207.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 11:07pm EST
Fri, 10 January 2014
For this week’s FBA Podcast we have Kamalashila speaking on the occasion of relaunching his book Buddhist Meditation. In “Tranquility, Imagination and Insight” he beautifully reveals his thoughts on how the Buddha was imbued with confidence without conviction. He seemed completely at peace with himself which lead to friendliness in all his communications. His life, his example, the embarkment on the three trainings of behavior, meditation and wisdom combine in the practice of satisampajana – mindfulness and clear comprehension. Mindfulness was the Buddha’s core practice – Cultivating the Way of Awakening.
Direct download: podcast206.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 11:44pm EST
Fri, 3 January 2014
In this week’s FBA Podcast we picked one of Subhuti’s “Rambles Around Reality – The 5 Niyamas.” Here Subhuti talks about the fundamental basis of Buddhism’s conception of reality; Pratitya Samutpada. He introduces it in the form of the 5 niyamas, in the course of his ramble he emphasises that these are forces, or the way things are rather than ‘laws’. The talk culminates in the Karma and Dharma niyamas and particularly emphasising the importance of the Dhamma niyama, which is that in the universe that makes enlightenment possible. However to philosphise or abstract from it is to miss the point, in the end it must remain a mystery that we must experience for ourselves.
Direct download: podcast205.mp3
Category: FBA Podcast
-- posted at: 9:02pm EST