Free Buddhist Audio

Free Buddhist AudioIn this thoughtful, sympathetic talk, “Becoming a Citizen of the Present”, Srivati expounds on the most delicate of tasks in any life – how to live in the present moment. Exploring the subtle aspects of past and present, of memory and expectation, we encounter impermanence as the touchstone of our experience through storytelling (Bahiya of the Bark Garment) and the practice of writing – especially poetry. A lovely set of challenges to become ‘citizens of the present’ and inhabit properly our own potential for change.

Talk given to the Triratna (Western) Buddhist Order National Order Weekend, 2001

Direct download: podcast54.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Free Buddhist AudioIn this talk, “Dying to Live” Vidyamala gives a strong account of working with suffering and sorrow in life, and of transforming your experience into one characterized by contentment and a sense of meaning. From her own practice of living with chronic pain comes a sane and unsentimental perspective that affords us all a measure of genuine optimism as we meet the trials of the world: bereavements and losses of all kinds can be met with a kindness and awareness that gently ease the burden, allowing something of peace to enter our lives again.

Talk given at the Western Buddhist Order Women’s Convention 2003

Direct download: podcast53.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Free Buddhist AudioIn this talk, “Generating Bodhi Mind” Vajratara guides us through the second section of Tsongkhapa’s short text on “The Three Principle Aspects of the Path”. The verses contain some strong and striking images for what it feels like being caught in Samsara and they come to life in Vajratara’s talk. She relates how she nearly came to death herself swept away by a Indonesian river and that was just an ordinary river current, never mind the current of Samsara! At the end of the talk she suggests that of the Bodhicitta practises we might take up – the puja or the various reflections on the suffering of beings – the most useful and effective Bodhichitta practice is the practice of sangha, of spiritual community.

Talk given at Taraloka, May 2009.

Direct download: podcast52.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Free Buddhist AudioIn this talk, “The Ideal of Universal Awakening” Nagapriya explores the emergence of the Bodhisattva Ideal in the Mahayana tradition. Nagapriya discusses the historical context in which this basic concept developed, its ties to early Buddhist texts, and what the bodhisattva’s life entails, on both the mundane and cosmic levels.

This is the second talk in a five-part series called Visions of Mahayana Buddhism given at the Manchester Buddhist Centre, 2009.

Direct download: podcast51.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 11:00pm EST