Free Buddhist Audio

Free Buddhist AudioThis week’s FBA Podcast is a talk by Vessantara entitledThe Empty Boat. Early navigators were able to traverse vast distances using intuitive messages from the sun, wind, stars. Going for refuge is kind of a journey that needs ongoing mindfulness, a vision of the goal
The second in a series of four talks by Vessantara exploring Going for Refuge is an accessible talk on the Insight aspect.
From the four-part series, Aspects of Going for Refuge, given at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre in early 2016.

Direct download: podcast330.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 1:26am EST

Free Buddhist AudioParami delivers this week’s FBA Podcast entitledLiving In The Greater Mandala. She brings this theme alive in the most human, poetic, and inspired of ways.

Her range is broad as she evokes the mandala itself, and the profound, playful path of the Bodhisattva. Calling forth Rumi and Hafiz, the great Buddhist Perfection of Wisdom texts, Keats, Yeats, Robert Hass, and Kenneth White, she illustrates what it looks and feels like to live dedicated to the wellbeing of all as the most natural thing in the world.

As always with Parami, her great experience shines through in this talk – a terrific encouragement to anyone thinking of integrating this perspective of joy into the challenge of everyday life…

Recorded in Adelaide, Australia, October 2015 for the 2015 Triratna International Urban Retreat.

Direct download: podcast329.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 1:05am EST

Free Buddhist AudioThis week’s FBA Podcast is a talk given by Vajrapriya entitledDescend with the View, Ascend with the Conduct. Vajrapriya makes the link between this saying, and Sangharakshita’s explanation of the Noble Eightfold Path as a path of Vision and Transformation; talks about what it means to ascend with the view; and to descend with the conduct; and explores the signs that we’re not keeping these two directions of practice in balance.

Direct download: podcast328.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 1:52am EST

Free Buddhist AudioWe are delighted to bring in Jnanavaca for today’s FBA Podcast entitled The Texture of Reality. In this talk, he explores the notions of conditioned and unconditioned reality, and the relationship between the two.

Direct download: podcast327.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 1:37am EST