Free Buddhist Audio

The first of four talks given by Ratnaguna during the annual Padmaloka Open Retreat. The theme of the retreat was 'For Heroic Spirits Intended...' and was based around the Ratnaguna Samcayagatha-a profound Mahayana Sutra.

A new translation by Sraddhapa of the text was used for the first time during the retreat. You can find this text at Sraddhapa's website where donations can be made to support this important translation work. 

Talk given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre in 2018 as part of the series For Heroic Spirits Intended.


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Direct download: Free_Buddhist_Audio_-_For_Heroic_Spirits_Intended_424.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 12:00am EST

 How do we transcend conflicts and contradictions? 

Vilasamani explores the conundrums of Buddhist practitioners in the Vimalakirti Sutra, and bring some of them up-to-date, in a talk to the West London Buddhist Centre Sangha night.


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Direct download: Free_Buddhist_Audio_-_Dharma_Door_of_Non-Duality_423.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Touching on the themes of righteous indignation, spiritual bypassing, empathy, non-violent communication, envy and exploring apology, confession and working with betrayal,Santavajri poses the question as to whether we can forgive ourselves and move towards unconditional love for all beings. An exploration of verses 4, 5 and 6 of the Eight Verses for Training the Mind.

Talk given at the Women's Area Order Weekend at Adhisthana, December 2018 as
 of the series Women's Area Order Weekend at Adhisthana.


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Direct download: Free_Buddhist_Audio_-_Forgiveness_and_Happiness_422.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Amalaketu explores freedom through images and stories from the Chappanakopama Sutta, the discourse on the simile of the 6 animals, and shows how Buddhism is the way to ultimate liberation.

Talk given at the East Anglian Mens Retreat, Padmaloka May 2012.



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Direct download: Free_Buddhist_Audio_-_Finding_Freedom_421.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 12:00am EST