Free Buddhist Audio

Free Buddhist AudioThis week’sFBA Podcast“Spiritual Transmission and Lineage” is a detailed, intimate and heartfelt talk from Saddhanandi looking at the relationship between a Dharma follower and her/his teacher. The talk takes as its lead-off point, David Smith’s criticisms of the FWBO as lacking relationship with a ‘vertical dimension’ in its systems of practice. It’s a sympathetic and open response, but one that is also happy to have confidence in an inside experience of practice that arrives at different conclusions. Saddhanandi revisits Sangharakshita’s own take on the problems faced by practitioners in a contemporary spiritual community, and, with the help of a good sprinkling of quotes and stories from other traditions, she explores the nature of the Sangha as the possible ground for insight itself to arise.

Please note, this talk has variable sound quality throughout.

Talk given at the Tiratna [Western] Buddhist Order Women’s Convention, Wymondham 2007

Direct download: podcast208.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 11:32pm EST

Free Buddhist AudioWe are graced with Dhammadinna’s wisdom in this week’sFBA Podcast“The Richly Endowed Buddha of the Southern Realm” Third in a series of talks given on the 2012 Triratna International Retreat, Dhammadinna evokes the Buddha Ratnasambhava. For more talks, videos, photos etc from the retreat see and navigate to page ‘internationalretreat.’

Direct download: podcast207.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 11:07pm EST

Free Buddhist AudioFor this week’s FBA Podcast we have Kamalashila speaking on the occasion of relaunching his book Buddhist Meditation. In “Tranquility, Imagination and Insight” he beautifully reveals his thoughts on how the Buddha was imbued with confidence without conviction. He seemed completely at peace with himself which lead to friendliness in all his communications.
His life, his example, the embarkment on the three trainings of behavior, meditation and wisdom combine in the practice of satisampajana – mindfulness and clear comprehension. Mindfulness was the Buddha’s core practice – Cultivating the Way of Awakening.

Direct download: podcast206.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 11:44pm EST

Free Buddhist AudioIn this week’s FBA Podcast we picked one of Subhuti’s “Rambles Around Reality – The 5 Niyamas.” Here Subhuti talks about the fundamental basis of Buddhism’s conception of reality; Pratitya Samutpada. He introduces it in the form of the 5 niyamas, in the course of his ramble he emphasises that these are forces, or the way things are rather than ‘laws’. The talk culminates in the Karma and Dharma niyamas and particularly emphasising the importance of the Dhamma niyama, which is that in the universe that makes enlightenment possible. However to philosphise or abstract from it is to miss the point, in the end it must remain a mystery that we must experience for ourselves.

Direct download: podcast205.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 9:02pm EST