Sat, 24 February 2018
Our FBA Podcast today is brought to you by Vaddhaka entitled The Evolution of the Bodhisattva Ideal. In this elegant description of the evolution of the Bodhisattva Ideal Vaddhaka draws on his extensive reading and study, and picks out Jan Nattier’s writing in particular. Given at Sangha Night at Stockholms Buddhistcenter, 8 March 2010. |
Sat, 17 February 2018
Our FBA Podcast this week is by Sangharakshita from 1971. The Myth of the Return Journey has a theme which resonates with many similar stories in world literature. Here its important elements are related to the personal quest for meaning. This talk is part of the series Parables, Myths and Symbols of Mahayana Buddhism in the White Lotus Sutra. |
Sat, 10 February 2018
In this week’s FBA Podcast, The Bodhisattva’s Practice – Six Perfections, Ratnaghosha, just back from four weeks of solitary retreat, explores the Six Perfections and how we practice them. |
Fri, 2 February 2018
This week’s FBA Podcast is a talk by Saccanama called Faith: the Key to the Mystery of Life. Saccanama speaks with passion, clarity and intelligence, weaving ideas with personal examples in this high quality talk. |