Free Buddhist Audio

Free Buddhist AudioOur FBA Podcast this week is a talk by Padmavajra entitled The Motive. This is the first talk in an eight part series by Padmavajra exploring a great classic of Tibetan Buddhism – Gampopa’s ‘Jewel Ornament of Liberation’.

The work, inspired by devotion to Manjusri, is one of the key texts in the development of the Tibetan Lam Rim teachings. And Gampopa, being one of the two principle disciples of the yogi Milarepa, presents both the monastic Lam Rim approach of Atisha and the Mahamudra meditation teachings of Milarepa himself.

Talk given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, Winter 2008

This talk is part of the series Themes from Gampopa’s Jewel Ornament of Liberation.

Direct download: podcast376.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 1:16am EST

Free Buddhist AudioOur FBA Podcast this week is a talk by Mahamati entitled Actualizing the 1000 Armed Avalokiteshvara. The third of four talks given on the Padmaloka May National Order weekend- Mahamati talks on actualizing the myth of the Order- symbolised in the 1000 armed Avalokiteshvara.

Direct download: podcast375.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 12:52am EST

Free Buddhist AudioOur FBA Podcast this week is a talk by Vajratara entitled The Power of the Archetypal Realm given at Sheffield Buddhist Centre on 29th May 2007 as part of a series of talks on Buddhist Symbols.

Direct download: podcast374.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 12:18am EST

Free Buddhist AudioOur FBA Podcast this week is a talk by Padmavajra entitled The Bodhicitta – A supra-personal spiritual force.

This is the second in a series of five talks given on a Going for Refuge retreat at Padmaloka called Living From The Bodhicitta.

Padmavajra explores some aspects of Sangharakshita’s insights into the Bodhicitta, as well as how we might live a life devoted to living from the Bodhicitta.

Direct download: podcast373.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 12:25am EST

Free Buddhist AudioOur FBA Podcast this week is a talk by Ratnaprabha entitled Sowing Seeds In the Soil of the Mind – The Alaya.

The alaya, or storehouse consciousness, is the Buddhist equivalent of the unconscious mind. It is like a garden, in which every experience and action sows a seed which may later sprout and create our unfolding life. This talk describes how this relates to the six sense awarenesses, the mind as a sense, and the contaminated mind which reads everything in terms of self and not self. Mindfulness finds a creative path between leaving the alaya on autopilot, and allowing the contaminated mind to interfere and fill the garden with weeds and rubbish.

Direct download: podcast372.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 12:43am EST