Free Buddhist Audio

Free Buddhist AudioVajratara delivers our FBA Podcast this week, “Energy, the Tantric Precepts and Enlightenment.” An exploration of what energy means in the spiritual life and how to work with it, especially referencing Sangharakshita’s ‘Tantric’ version of the Five Precepts. Given at the 2011 National Young Triratna Buddhists Weekend retreat exploring the theme of ‘Energy for Enlightenment’. See for more young Buddhists’ events.

Direct download: podcast239.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 12:12am EDT

Free Buddhist AudioIn this week’s FBA Podcast, “Eight Step Recovery” Vimalasara speaks on the importance of loving oneself as a part of recovery from addiction as an introduction to her new book, co-authored with Paramabandhu, entitled ‘Eight Step Recovery – Using the Buddha’s Teachings to Overcome Addiction’. She goes on to discuss the life conditions that she and Paramabandhu have emerged from, and how those energies came together and inspired the writing of the book. Outlining the eight steps, Vimalasara demonstrates that, while the book was mainly written for those in recovery, it is in some way for everyone. The talk is followed by a question and answer session.

Direct download: podcast238.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 12:00am EDT

Free Buddhist AudioWords are not adequate to describe things as they are, and yet Ratnaguna does a remarkable job! This week’s FBA Podcast, “The Buddhas Two Great Gifts to the World” Ratnaguna explores the gifts of discourse and practice. This talk was given to to promote a new buddhist centre in Stockholm.

Direct download: podcast237.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 11:27pm EDT

Free Buddhist AudioThis week’s FBA Podcast is entitled: “Make Yourself An Island.” Reflecting on her favourite lines from the Paranibbana Sutta, Jvalamalini explores how to become an island in the midst of the eight worldly winds, especially how to steer through praise and blame, and fame and infamy by developing true individuality, and spiritual receptivity.

Direct download: podcast236.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 12:33am EDT

Free Buddhist AudioThis week’s FBA Podcast was given at the London Buddhist Centre’s Dharma Day celebration, July 2014. “Dharma and Nature” by Dhivan, author of “This Being, That Becomes”. The word Dharma means many things, including “nature” – referring to how things work, the true nature of things. We also use the word to refer to the whole interconnected living world. The meanings of the world only partly overlap, which gives us the starting point for this precise, thoughtful, evocative Dharma talk.

Direct download: podcast235.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 12:21am EDT