Free Buddhist Audio

Free Buddhist AudioOur FBA Podcast this week is entitled The Disappearing Buddha by Sangharakshita. The Buddha adopted the appearance and speech of his different audiences, and gave discourses on the Dharma which instructed, inspired, fired, and delighted. Then he would just disappear and leave them wondering, ‘Who is the Buddha?’
Talk given in 1994.

Direct download: Podcast380.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 11:25pm EST

Free Buddhist AudioOur FBA Podcast this week is called Bright Blue Sky, Deep Blue Sea by Suryadarshini.

Amitabha is one of the most well-known archetypal Buddhas, whose qualities of love and compassion attract myriad practitioners and devotees.

Suryadarshini shares her personal connections with Amitabha, from superheroes to phoenixes, and also explores traditional symbols and imagery of the red Buddha of the West.

Direct download: Podcast379.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 11:02pm EST

Free Buddhist AudioOur FBA Podcast this week is by Kulaprabha entitled Her Two Hands Are the Two Truths. This is the second in a four-part series by Kulaprabha on Nagarjuna’s ‘Lines Written to Tara.’

Direct download: Podcast378.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 11:03pm EST

Free Buddhist AudioOur FBA Podcast this week is a cracking and wonderfully detailed talk called Vajrapani – Energy Unlimited by Vessantara, author of ‘Meeting the Buddhas’. He is the ideal person to introduce us to the complex and fascinating Tantric figure of Vajrapani – ‘Lord of Secrets’, embodiment of ”virya’ (Energy in Pursuit of the Good). Vessantara’s style is familiar and well-earthed, and therefore eminently well suited to material that bristles with electricity and is not always so easy to communicate. We get the origin and development of the Tantra itself, as well as of this key figure who meets the impermanent nature of Reality head-on and embodies the tremendous possibilities of change. Look out too for a great introduction about darts…!

Talk given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2003

Direct download: Podcast377.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 12:40am EST