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Kalyana Mitrata is spiritual friendship, even 'the lovely intimacy', the need for close and supportive connections with others in treading the path. Ratnaprabha  explores why the Buddha said spiritual friendship is 'the whole of the Buddhist Life'. Is it as important now as it was in the Buddha's time? Is a Kalyana Mitra the same thing as a guru or teacher? How can we make the intimate connections in our lives really stimulating and nourishing? How do we learn to communicate kindly and openly?

Talk given at West London Buddhist Centre, 2013.


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Vajratara introduces the theme of spiritual friendship or kalyana mitrata. What is spiritual friendship? How is it distinguished from ordinary friendship? How can we make friends? What is the difference between vertical and horizontal friendship? Using stories, personal anecdotes and images she introduces the overall theme to prepare for more talks in this series, which focusses on the tantric rites and friendship.

This talk is part of the series Spiritual Friendship and the Tantric Rites, given at a Tiratanaloka/ Buddhafield retreat for women who have asked for ordination within the Triratna Buddhist Order, 2019.


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Direct download: Free_Buddhist_Audio_-_Spiritual_Friendship_and_the_Tantric_Rites_449.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 12:00am EST

Ratnaghosha reflects on how friendships and connections are woven into the tapestry of his life, how other people give our lives a sense of richness and abundance. In the sangha, people are passing on the Dharma through their relationships – living, breathing Dharma is passed on through spiritual friendship. The Buddha was the original spiritual friend, exemplifying for us that Enlightenment demands communication.

From a series of talks given during the Year of Kalyana Mitrata at the Cambridge Buddhist Centre, 2013.


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Satyajyoti introduces the tantra: Buddhism to set life aflame through deep personal transformation of our direct experience. Out with abstractions and theory, it's time to act 'as if your turban was on fire!' In the words of Sangharakshita, 'making Buddhism respectable is the last thing we should do'. 

In her introductory talk, Satyajyoti outlines five key principles of Tantric Buddhism and explains the tantric equivalents of the three Buddhist refuges, the Buddha, Dharma and Sangha.

Recorded at Sheffield Buddhist Centre, 2019.


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Direct download: Free_Buddhist_Audio_-_Tantra_for_the_Modern_World_447.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 12:00am EST