Free Buddhist Audio

What memories stay with you year after year? Which breath do you wish you could take again? Whose smile is the most beautiful? What is this love that you talk about?

Saraha returns to Birmingham to speak at Sangha Night, having taught the Dharma there previously for over a decade before moving to Ecodharma in Spain a few years ago. In this talk he speaks with his usual passion and inspiration, illuminating many questions for further reflection on what is of value in our lives. Talk given in 2019.


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Direct download: Free_Buddhist_Audio_-_Thank_God_Its_Empty_498.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 12:00am EST

How might we respond, as Buddhists, to the emerging environmental crises facing the planet? Starting from where his earlier talk, "Saying Goodbye to the Earth," leaves off, Gunopeta explores the implications of what happens when we open our hearts to our deep emotional response to these crises. With the aid of guided meditation, poetry, ritual, and our felt connection to nature and the holiness of place, we can learn to "touch the Earth with love." From this, we enter into a relationship with the Earth out of which gratitude, a sense of responsibility, sympathetic joy, equanimity, and energy emerge in a positively reinforcing spiral, which in turn moves us to join with others in altruistic action on behalf of the Earth and all its beings. This talk was originally given as part of the on-line Touching the Earth retreat, sponsored by Aryaloka Buddhist Center and the Portsmouth (New Hampshire) Buddhist Center, November 2020.


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Direct download: Free_Buddhist_Audio_-_Touching_the_Earth_with_Love_497.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 12:00am EST

The Karaniya Metta sutta is the focus for Parami's exploration of working with anger, working with polarisation in our relationships and in the world. She uses the lesson of the extremes in this current moment in history as a launching pad for insight into the nature of love.

She gave this talk to the gathered Triratna Buddhist Community in Scotland at their New Year gathering online. It has the flavour of a call to practice and to give closer attention to how we relate with those we love and those we find challenging.


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Direct download: Free_Buddhist_Audio_-_The_Revolutionary_Power_of_Love_496.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 12:00am EST

In this talk, Satyakirti explores a set of ways through which we can work with fear in our practice, particularly through love and friendship. Using the Angulimala Sutta as an example, he explains how even the greatest fears can be overcome, and how a Buddha is entirely free from fear.

Talk given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre in December 2019 as part of the Sub35s 'Fearless Love' retreat.

This talk is part of the series Fearless Love.


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Direct download: Free_Buddhist_Audio_-_Moving_through_fear_into_love_495.mp3
Category:Buddhism -- posted at: 12:00am EST