Free Buddhist Audio

Free Buddhist AudioToday’s FBA Podcast, “The Buddha, Hakuin, Birth and Death”, is the second in an excellent 8-talk sequence by Padmavajra on Zen Buddhism. The series is full of colourful stories and challenging insights from the lives of the great Masters of China and Japan.

In this talk, Padmavajra takes us into the strong experience of Going Forth into homelessness. Through personal reminiscence and classic Zen poetry that evokes a truly rich awareness, we see the Buddha, Hakuin, Dogen and Ryokan as they struggle to make sense of this fleeting world of form.

This talk is part of the series “Tangling Eyebrows with Zen Masters.”

Direct download: podcast102.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 7:05pm EST

Free Buddhist AudioThis weeks FBA Podcast, “Spiritual Death and Rebirth, a New Perspective On the Dharma Niyama”, takes us deeply into the stages of spiritual death and rebirth that are key to the system of meditation, representing the culimination and fulfilment of the Buddhas vision. During this talk given at Padmaloka Subhuti explains some new elements of Sangharakshita’s thinking about how they relate to the Niyamas, particularly the Dharma niyama – exciting, and challenging stuff.

Direct download: podcast101.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 9:09pm EST

Free Buddhist AudioToday’s FBA Podcast, “The Transitoriness of Life and the Certainty of Death”, is by Vajradharshini who brings us a beautiful piece on the hardest of subjects. The third talk in a five-part series from Tiratanaloka’s retreat on the ‘Four Mind Turnings’ of the Tibetan tradition.

Using zen poetry and a happily wide-ranging series of quotations (from Tibetan lamas to Ezra Pound), Vajradarshini explores her own father’s death as a way to approach attitudes to death and dying. She considers death in the light of the four mind-turning reflections of Atisha: the result is an inspiring, funny, truly challenging look at the heartbreak of our mortality, and how the Dharma helps us to meet and be present with the ultimate experience.

Talk given at Tiratanaloka Retreat Centre 2005.

This talk is part of the series The Four Mind-Turning Reflections.

Direct download: podcast100.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 8:52pm EST

Free Buddhist AudioToday’s we introduce Atula in our weekly FBA Podcast with “Mending the Broken Ladder” a very thoughtful talk long-time by this practising Buddhist and psychotherapist. The nature of the ‘psyche’ and our sense of self-view is explored with reference to the Fourfold Vision of William Blake, T.S. Eliot, Charles Bukowski, Edward Conze, and Humpty Dumpty! Expect some stimulating words around the role of myth, metaphor and all our ways of cognizing, thinking about and expressing experience in what we call ‘spiritual life’ – and a clear encouragement to see that process as one that is profoundly relational.

Talk given Monday 8th March 2010.

Direct download: podcast99.mp3
Category:FBA Podcast -- posted at: 7:33pm EST