Fri, 28 December 2018
Our FBA Podcast, this week is called Self Compassion For the Sake of All Beings. Munisha gave this talk in English to a Swedish audience, 5th March 2016, Dhammagiri Retreat Center, Sweden. |
Fri, 21 December 2018
Our FBA Podcast this week is entitled The Sevenfold Puja: Worship by Maniraja. The Sevenfold Puja – drawn from the Bodhicaryavatara – is the main devotional ceremony of the Triratna Buddhist Community. This talk is the second in the series on the Puja, given Manchester Buddhist Centre. |
Fri, 14 December 2018
Can ritual help us put the conditions in place through which bodhicitta may arise? In this week’s FBA Podcast Using Ritual to Cultivate Bodhicitta Vijayasri explores our reactions to the idea of ritual and how rituals can become meaningless. We then look at the concept of ritual as “entering into a realm of the imagination where we encounter Buddhas and Bodhisattvas”. This talk was given at the Croydon Buddhist Centre in April 2016 as part of our regular Saturday morning sangha class, the first in the theme of “Transforming Self and World”, in which ritual was explored as a method of putting conditions in place through which bodhicitta may arise. |
Fri, 7 December 2018
This week’s FBA Podcast is the first talk in a sparkling, wide-ranging, thoroughly comprehensive ten talk series by Padmavajra on ‘The Diamond Sutra’ entitled Taking Mind to its Limits. We are taken through the work stage by stage, and here we begin with the opening scenes and the text itself as a revelation of Reality… Talks given at Padmaloka Retreat Centre, 2004 This talk is part of the series The Diamond Sutra – Taking Mind to its Limits. |
Fri, 30 November 2018
In this week’s FBA Podcast, Bhadra introduces the archetypal magician, Padmasambhava, in a talk called The Art of Ritual and Descent, given at a day for men in Bristol, UK. He uses episodes from the magician’s life to illustrate how engaging the imagination through ritual and being willing to make the journey of descent are key elements of a fruitful practice. |